Prettification II: Javascript Strikes Back

In my last post, I covered math-symbol prettification in Emacs. While writing it, I got interested in doing the same thing in Javascript for the code samples in this blog. So I wrote some code!

var replaceAll = function(str, replacements) {
    _.each(replacements, function(replacement, pattern) {
        str = str.replace(pattern, replacement);
    return str;

var prettifySymbols = {
    coq: {
        'forall': '',
        '->': '',
        'exists': '',
        '=>': '',
        'False': '',
        'True': ''

$(function() {
    _.each(prettifySymbols, function(replacements, lang) {
        $('code.' + lang).each(function() {
            var code = $(this);
            if (code.hasClass('nopretty')) return;
            code.children('span').each(function() {
                var span = $(this);
                var originalText = span.text();
                var replacementText = replaceAll(originalText, replacements);
                if (originalText !== replacementText) {
                    span.bind('pretty-replace', function() {
                    span.bind('pretty-original', function() {
            code.bind('copy', function() {
                setTimeout(function() {
                }, 0);

The tricky thing here is ensuring that if you copy a code sample, you get the original text instead of the prettified text.

The code above uses Underscore and jQuery, and is designed to work with Jekyll code-blocks. Should be pretty easy to modify it for other code-sample formats, but your mileage may vary.